Preventive Medicine Clinic
of Beverly Hills
To Schedule An Appointment
Call 310.247.8045
Doctor's Newsletter Continued
Newsletter #17
Summer 2017
3 pound organ
100 billion nerves
Trillions of connectors called synapses
Controls all functions of the body
Interprets information from the outside world
Embodies the essence of the mind & soul, intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory
Alzheimer’s disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder afflicting more than 25 million people worldwide, currently has no cure or even disease-delaying therapy.
Estradiol, Testosterone, and Human Growth Hormone are 3 hormones that can protect against aging-related cognitive decline, with the majority studies reporting stabilization of cognitive and brain tissue integrity. They are independently associated with neuroprotective effects.
Are your hormone levels optimal?
Visceral fat… high fat mass… enhanced inflammation… deleterious lipid profiles of cholesterol, LDL’s, and triglycerides increases the risk of dementia.
Summertime is the best time of the year to have fun tackling FAT, INFLAMMATION, and CHOLESTEROL. Here are a few tips:
Exercise – walk, cycle, swim, play baseball, sweat at the gym
Lose weight – if you're having a difficult time, call the office regarding the HCG Diet.
Eat healthy – proteins, vegetables, legumes (chickpeas and lentils), fruit, nuts and seeds, oils, spices (cinnamon and turmeric)
Avoid inflammatory foods – sugar, wheat, potato, fruit juice
Drink water
“Sweet days of summer, the jasmine’s in bloom
July is dressed up and playing her tune
Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowin’ through the jasmine in my mind”… Seals & Crofts
Enjoy the summer, the heat, the breeze, family and friends from the PMC Staff: Dave, Dr. Shirley, Dr. Marcus, our family at Trillium Sports Center and Dr. Michael Spagnoli.
Newsletter #16
January 2017
New Year’s Resolutions???
The Top Five 2016 New Year’s Resolutions: 1. Lose Weight 2. Getting Organized 3. Spend Less, Save More 4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest 5. Staying Fit and Healthy
The percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution is 8%. Forget the resolutions, and just do what works!! Save the resolutions for something FUN in 2016!!
Our medically supervised weight loss programs are proven effective and easy to follow whether you have been struggling to lose weight, you need to shed those extra pounds you put on over the holidays, or you simply want to stay fit and be healthy.
BHRT – Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
If you have struggled to lose weight or keep it off, your hormones are likely to be a factor. Your hormones control every aspect of weight loss including your metabolism, where you store your fat, your appetite, and even your cravings. This means any form of hormonal imbalance will sabotage your efforts – regardless of your diet and exercise habits. Hormonal imbalances that can inhibit weight loss include thyroid imbalance, low growth hormone, high estrogen, low testosterone, low DHEA, and insulin resistance. Call our office for further information.
Lose up to 1 pound a day when the protocol is followed correctly. It is proven effective and will help you lose weight fast! Don't waste your time and money on other diets.
The HCG Diet is available in a 40-day round and a 23-day round.
Lose up to 30 pounds in a 40-day round. Lose 15-23 pounds in a 23-day round.
Cost: $675. This includes consultation, medical supervision, and all medical supplies.
TheraSlim Pack, Chromium Picolinate Plus, and Carcinia Cambogia
TheraSlim Pack. A natural, non-stimulant weight management program. Vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids important to sound nutrition and efficient fat burning and storage mechanisms. Regulates appetite, inhibits fat production, increases metabolism, increases fat loss, and helps to preserve lean body mass. $54.
Chromium Picolinate Plus. Increases fat loss and helps to preserve lean body mass. $15.
Carcinia Cambogia. Regulates appetite and inhibits fat production. $21.
Vitamin B12 Injections
Vitamin B12 is vital for your metabolism and is great for weight loss. Metabolism functions include: nutrition, digestion, absorption, elimination, respiration, circulation, and temperature regulation. Cost: $65.
Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective aid in weight loss by increasing metabolism and suppressing the appetite. Cost: We accept insurance or an affordable cash price is available.
Newsletter #17
July 2016
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine
Blowing through the jasmine in my mind
The NEW office look: The office’s reception room has been completely remodeled… new
energy and a new look. If you haven’t been in the office lately, come by and take a look and say
hi. If you haven’t had a treatment lately, it’s time to check your schedule and make an
appointment. Matthew, our new addition at the front desk, will be glad to assist you.
James Hillman wrote, “… we each have our own makeup, that each of us definitely, even
defiantly, a unique individual.” What is the secret of individuality? Listen… everyone’s story
has a defining image.
At PMC we listen to stories of forgetfulness, stress, decrease immune system, sexual
dysfunction, pain, weariness, various aging symptoms, sadness and much more. We also listen
to stories of joyful moments, achievements, and successful stories of feeling better.
What we do at PMC can alleviate many of the above symptoms and if there is something that we
cannot fix, we can still listen.
The services provided at PMC include:
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Intravenous (I.V.) Therapy + Oxygen
Chiropractic and Acupuncture
HCG Diet
Crescent Compounding Pharmacy and PMC have had a good working relationship in the past
9 years which has been beneficial to both parties and to our patients. Besides compounding
bioidentical hormones, Crescent Pharmacy compounds other beneficial compounds such as:
Scar Cream for that reluctant scar, Sildenafil 2%/Testosterone 0.1mg cream to increase sexual
arousal, AntiHyperpigmentation Cream, AntiAging Face Cream and Foam Wash, AntiAcne
Cream and Formulations for treatment of Vitiligo, Hair Loss, Alopecia Areata and Warts.
Pantea, the pharmacist, will be glad to explain and answer any of your question. 3105581400.
Sweet days of summer, the jasmine’s in bloom
July is dressed up and playing her tune
Summer breeze, makes me feel fine… Seals & Crofts
From the staff of PMC
Newsletter #18
Fall 2016
The word equinox means “equal night”, night and day are about the same length of time. In
addition to the equal hours of daylight and darkness, the equinoxes are times when the sun’s
apparent motion undergoes the most rapid change. The “ natural sequence of human life” we
are born, we get older, we deteriorate, we die. At
some point we observe the aging process within ourselves and those around us as early as 40
years old. Is this our equinox ? Can we alter our equinox? Can we maintain a longer healthier
and youthful life? What are the sweet possibilities to an aging body?
Have you had your equinox ?
My memories brings me to my midforties
sitting at a small table outside a cafe with a fiance’ in Portofino, Italy on a hot, hot day. I flapped the edges of my skirt and instantly realized I did an “old lady thing”. I laughed. The fiance’ asked what was so funny. I told him. He laughed with me. Needless to say, my hormones were already declining, but I didn’t know it. A few years
later, I knew I had the symptoms of hormone deficiency.
The rise of diseases and complications associated with aging can be altered by diet, lifestyle
changes, and natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy ( HRT) . With the help of HRT
the physical, emotional, and mental deterioration can be altered. HRT is preventive medicine.
It is about maintaining health and a satisfactory quality of life.
Balanced Hormone Replacement Therapy is restoring all hormones to a 25 – 30 year old level
and monitoring by regular serum levels . Balanced HRT is Growth Hormone, DHEA,
Pregnenolone, Melatonin, Testosterone in both men and women, Estrogens and Progesterone in
women, and Thyroid. Embrace the feeling of wellbeing!
Embrace quality of life!
This newsletter brings us into Autumn and the days leading up to our general election for the
Presidency of the United States of America. Please do not get complacent… VOTE .
‘Come senators, congressman
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
It’ll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are achangin’
Bob Dylan
Newsletter #19
Halloween 2016
When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween.
-Author Unknown-
Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.
What does Colds & the Flu, Weight Gain, and Earthquakes have in common?
A NEGATIVE IMPACT on Physical, Emotional, and Mental Functioning!
Colds & the Flu = Persistent hacking cough, sore throat, fever, and achiness… CREEPY!
PMC has 16 formulas ready to go with formulas that can be prepared just for you. If you are preparing for a vacation, handling extra stress, or recently exposed to an infected individual, get and I.V. Drip to boost the immune system. It takes only a hour to stay healthy and enjoy life.
Weight Gain = Sleep Apnea, Cardiovascular Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, Gallbladder Disease, Osteoarthritis of weight bearing joints (e.g. knees), and various Cancers… SPOOKY!
Lose up to 1 pound a day when the protocol is followed correctly. Look your best and feel great for the holiday season. Start the HCG Diet now! It is proven effective and will help you lose weight fast! Don't waste your time and money on other diets. Try the trusted HCG Diet.
The HCG Diet is available in a 40-day round and a 23-day round. Lose up to 30 pounds in a 40-day round. Lose 15-23 pounds in a 23-day round prior to the holidays.
SPECIAL OFFER - Mention this offer and receive 10% OFF the HCG Diet. Cost: $675. This includes consultation, medical supervision, and all medical supplies.
Earthquake. “Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen”. HORROR!
Are you prepared? It is vital to have the necessary essentials available for an emergency.
Minor injuries can easily be mitigated with the proper first aid supplies.
They make great gifts for friends, family, and business associates.
FEAR is nature's warning signal to get busy!
-Henry C. Link-
Newsletter #20
Holidays 2016
“You wanna do whaaaat?!! – The Turkey
The holidays will always have “the feel good factor” and “the stress factor”.
“The feel good factor”. One kind word can warm three winter months. – Japanese Proverb
“The stress factor”. Impact on the body, mind and heart. This impact can result to a decrease immune system, illness, fatigue, weight gain, unhappiness, and aging.
PMC of Beverly Hills was very successful last year, because of all the donations, in giving sleeping bags and warm clothing to Los Angeles homeless. We like to start early this year gathering tarps, sleeping bags, and warm clothing to distribute on December 20th.
Please drop off your donations to the office at any time or call and pledge a financial donation. Big 5 Sporting Store discounted their sleeping bags and clothing and gave an overall 10% discount for the cause of helping the homeless. We truly appreciate yours and their generosity.
PMC of Beverly Hills also takes “the stress factor” seriously such as:
Hormonal Balance – DHEA is the “stress hormone”. It is produced in the adrenal glands and offers us the energy to fight or flight. Testosterone and Progesterone are feel-good hormones. Low levels of Testosterone can cause depression. Where are your levels?
Intravenous (I.V.) Therapy + Oxygen – Support the immune system by decreasing stress, pain, fatigue, acute or chronic illnesses, viral or bacterial infections.
HCG Diet – Look your best and feel great.
Chiropractic and Acupuncture – Alignment does matter and so does the flow of energy.
“Once you start practicing being grateful and thankful for things, people, and events, you may notice that you start to attract more positive things, people, and events in your life”. – Stephanie Conkie
November began with the Presidential Election and conversation of it will carry us into the New Year. It is a sobering thought that we are together at this time and place. Let’s not take anything for granted.
The PMC Staff wishes you happiness that multiplies, prosperity, peace, health to you and yours, energy to grasp your dreams, and joy to fill your holiday!
P.S. “The Turkey” is presently undergoing treatment for stress.
Newsletter #21
January 2017
New Year’s Resolutions
Top Five 2017 New Year’s Resolutions: 1. Lose Weight 2. Get Organized 3. Spend Less, Save More 4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest 5. Stay Fit and Healthy
The percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution is 8%. Forget the resolutions, and just do what works!! Save the resolutions for something FUN in 2017!
Our medically supervised weight loss program is proven effective and easy to follow whether you have been struggling to lose weight, shed those extra pounds from the holidays, or simply want to stay fit and healthy.
Lose up to 1 pound a day when the protocol is followed correctly. It is proven effective and will help you lose weight fast! Don't waste your time and money on other diets.
The HCG Diet is available in a 40-day round and a 23-day round.
Lose up to 30 pounds in a 40-day round. Lose 15-23 pounds in a 23-day round.
Cost: $675. This includes consultation, medical supervision, and all medical supplies.
BHRT – Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
If you have struggled to lose weight or keep it off, your hormones are likely to be a factor. Your hormones control every aspect of weight loss including your metabolism, where you store your fat, your appetite, and even your cravings. This means any form of hormonal imbalance will sabotage your efforts – regardless of your diet and exercise habits. Call our office for further information.
TheraSlim Pack, Chromium Picolinate Plus, and Carcinia Cambogia
TheraSlim Pack. A natural, non-stimulant weight management program. Vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids important to sound nutrition and efficient fat burning and storage mechanisms. Regulates appetite, inhibits fat production, increases metabolism, increases fat loss, and helps to preserve lean body mass. $60.
Chromium Picolinate Plus. Increases fat loss and helps to preserve lean body mass. $20.
Carcinia Cambogia. Regulates appetite and inhibits fat production. $25.
Vitamin B12 Injections
Vitamin B12 is vital for your metabolism and is great for weight loss. Metabolism functions include: nutrition, digestion, absorption, elimination, respiration, circulation, and temperature regulation. Cost: $85.
IV Nutrient Therapy and Oxygen Therapy For Prevention And Treatment.
Are you wasted from the holidays? If you’re experiencing fatigue, a cold, runny nose, flu, anxiety, depression, or decreased general well-being, call the office to schedule an appointment.